I usually shoot Black and white... I reckon that appears to be obvous, but I think a lot of that comes from the good ol' darkroom days, and developing
B&W film at home is purty simple. But I especially like the graphic aspect of black and white. Finding
patterns, accentuating shadows, the whole works.
I'm a huge fan of old cameras. I guess I like digital, too. Sorta.
What can I say... I'm a fan. I have several of these bad li'l dudes. Some are homemade or modified.
I love not knowing what you're really gonna get.
People walking in front of buildings and things
Not sure why, but this concept used to really crack me up.
That one building...
Anyone who has been to New Orleans will recognize this asbestos laden tower of crap.
I'm obsessed with it, and probably have over fifty pictures of it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I heard they're selling it for cheap, lol.
I don't get to shoot these very often, which is a bummer cuz I really like taking portrait shots.